Updated run

Cleaning start






There wasn’t enough rise in the knees before the contact, and the cross over frames were weak making it harder to read what was going on. I think I’ve made the poses a lot stronger and as a result the cycle is a lot clearer. I’ve begun cleaning, sorted the legs, just need to add the feet. Still using temporary backgrounds as of now, not gotten around to painting them yet, planning on doing that this weekend.



In my original plan, I was going to paint some backgrounds that could be used for whip pans and fast movement, but I didn’t get around to painting them before my idea film changed. At first I didn’t think I’d need them, but now I realise I will… Guess I’ll be getting the paints out again.

(Amazing) Hand Painted Backgrounds


Over the last week I have been painting these backgrounds, I had the idea a while back, and the original idea I had for the film was going to include a lot more angles and shots,  I was planning to create several different similar backgrounds to mask reusing backgrounds across cuts. I’m sure I’ll find a use for them. Scanning them into the computer was a bit of a pain, for whatever reason the colours were off, so I had to tweak most of them, primarily the darker colours.

You may be wondering why I bothered to paint block colour backgrounds, and the reason was to give the background a bit more texture than the plain white I tend to use.